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发表于 2017-7-20 20:40:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我想要告诉你们,迄今为止,“星爱苑”上除了中方的9篇文章外,转载了贵方以下文章:《美国失亲组织宣言》,《 帮助失亲父母心理自愈的实用建议》,《美国失亲组织及活动简介》,《美国失亲组织刊物“同行之旅》创刊号致辞》,《爱瓦特为作者的编辑寄语》,《我多么期望人们能理解失去孩子的感受》,《英雄》,《你知道他们是失亲的父母吗》,《去不去度假》,《当我们面对失去孩子后的愧疚时》、《找到奇迹》。今后,“星爱苑”还将荣幸而充满感激地陆续转载《同行之旅》的每一篇文章并分享作者们的故事。
          向你们致以无比爱意和敬意的“星爱苑”注册人兼编辑    王浩
I Want to Let You Know
Hello, Respected Mrs. Kathy Corrigan and Members of the Board of Directors of the Bereaved Parents of the U.S.A.:
I want to let you know that my name is Hao Wang and I am a bereaved father in Shanghai, China, who lost my beloved only daughter. Like all bereaved parents in the world, I have experienced the extremely difficult emotional journey after losing my beloved daughter.
I want to let you know that in Shanghai there are many families like mine who lost their only child due to various causes. These bereaved parents are in great need of emotional comfort.
I want to let you know that in Shanghai and other regions in China, people from different fields are trying various ways to help these deeply wounded hearts.
I want to let you know that on July 6th of this year, a digital publication called Xingaiyuan was created to serve bereaved parents in Shanghai and other regions in China. “Xing” (star) represents our lost children who are like the twinkling stars in night sky, beautiful and never disappearing; “Ai” (love) means our everlasting love for our children; and “Yuan” (garden) symbolizes the beautiful place that our children are living. I serve as the founder and editor of Xingaiyuan.
I want to let you know that the creation of the digital publication Xingaiyuan was deeply inspired by A Journey Together.
I want to let you know that the founding of Xingaiyuan has received very precious support from Dr. Lihong Shi, the Chinese scholar and assistant professor of Anthropology from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio. She built a bridge between your organization and bereaved parents in Shanghai. Her kindness, compassion, and a sense of social responsibility have been highly regarded by bereaved parents in Shanghai. She is the pride of the Chinese people!
I want to let you know that through the introduction of Dr. Lihong Shi, I have been corresponding with the former editor of A Journey Together Mr. Richard Berman. I have been deeply touched by the understanding, compassion, and care from Mr. Berman to bereaved parents in Shanghai, expressed in his letters; and I have been greatly benefited from his wise words, profound knowledge, rich experience of writing and editing, and valuable advice. On behalf of Xingaiyuan and its readers, I would like to express my deep respect and heartfelt gratitude to him.  
I want to let you know that, on July 26, the board of directors of the BP/USA 100% approved that Xingaiyuan could use some words from the credo of the BP/USA in its online profile and share the essays from A Journey Together, which has been very precious support for Xingaiyuan. It will forever be cherished by all bereaved parents in China who are readers of the essays, and your generosity will be forever remembered as friendship and love between the Americans and the Chinese!
I want to let you know that the kind words from Mrs. Kathy Corrigan have been instilled into the hearts of many bereaved parents in Shanghai. We deeply agree with Mrs. Corrigan’s words: The hearts of bereaved parents in the U.S. are bonded with the bereaved parents in China. The bonds of grieving parents transcend miles, language barriers and cultural differences.  
I want to let you know that so far, in addition to nine articles from us, Xinghaiyuan has shared the following essays from A Journey Together: the credo of the Bereaved Parents of the U.S.A., Practical Advice: Helping Yourself Heal When Your Child Dies (Fall 2014), an introduction on Bereaved Parents of the U.S.A., the first article on the first issue of A Journey Together by the then president Joe Rousseau and an essay by the then editor Betty Ewart (Fall 1995), What I Wish More People Understood about Losing a Child (Fall 2015), Hero (Fall 2014), Do You Know They Were Bereaved Parents (Spring 2015), To Vocation or Not to Vocation (Summer 2014), Guilt, If Only…If Only…If Only (Spring 2008), The Myth of Perfect Parenthood (Fall 2006), and Finding Magic (Winter 2014). We will continue to post every essay from A Journey Together with honor and gratitude and share the stories of the authors.
I want to let you know that these essays by bereaved parents expressed thoughts and emotions of the long and difficult grief journey; they expressed the authors’ fear, confusion, anger, guilt, frustration, and even hopelessness; they revealed the authors’ perseverance in pursuit of hope in life; they showed the possibility to move on with life demonstrated by the authors’ actions; and they revealed ways in which the authors honored their children’s lives, shared the joy and success in their children’s lives, and their everlasting love for their children. After reading these essays, the readers from Shanghai and other parts of China shared similar thoughts and emotions. They not only shed tears and felt deeply touched, but they were also able to release their emotions and receive great comfort. On behalf of all the readers of Xingaiyuan, I would like to express my deep gratitude and respect to all the authors. Please allow me to hold the hands of these authors who have great strength through this letter. Let us hold you tight to our hearts! We express to you hour heartfelt gratitude!
Please allow me to once again express my deep respect and profound gratitude to Mrs. Kathy Corrigan, members of the board of directors, all contributors of A Journey Together, Mr. Richard Berman, and Dr. Lihong Shi! As has been expressed by A Journey Together, let us cross the vast Pacific Ocean with our hearts and walk the journey together!
With great love and respect,
Hao Wang
Founder and Editor of Xingaiyuan


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